Tracing one ingredient, from farm to plate.

Unsung Heroes
Seed farmers are the unsung heroes of the garden world, and their work is often hidden from casual home gardeners who flip through seed catalogues or pick up seed packets each spring.

The Sweetest Fruit
Strawberry ice cream, from ground to cone.

The Pull of the Soil
Flying Cloud Farm co-owner Annie Louise Perkinson returned to Western North Carolina farm life to build a business. Collard greens are one crop that grows in steady rotation.

The Root of Passion
After planting variety of beet seeds, Anne and Aaron Grier of Gaining Ground in Leicester watch and wait, both patiently and anxiously, for the Golden Grex, Chioggia, Early Wonder Tall Tops, and Robin seeds to germinate.

The Great Blueberry Rescue
The first summer Rett Murphy and Kathryn Skelley-Watts owned their farm, a visiting friend walked into a field overgrown with weeds and immediately disappeared from sight. A few minutes later, Murphy said, “I saw his hand rise up over the jungle, holding a few berries.” With that, plans for the farm changed.
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